Love at first sight suggests sexual desire. The physical attraction of the sexes. Felt by both surely this is love? The deeper meaning of love is to love the personality within. To care for your lover to make them happy. Is this not love? Transition 20th December 1995 Equality for all is just a catch phrase No one believes in seriously at all. We are not made by our maker equal Some have more intelligence, more beauty, more talent than the rest of us. Giving them an advantage in life. Some families have more money giving them better housing, better education, better jobs. But for all their advantages We all share a limited time upon this earth. Some are here all their natural lives living life as it should be from birth to old age. Able to absorb the transition of life getting comfortable with ourselves and others around us. But others are hardly here at all Dying as babies or as young children in which they have left little mark upon this world. What should you leave before you go? One's achievements, one's works has to be regarded as most precious. Your writings as poetry, prose or literature Your art as paintings, drawings or sketches Your music as lyrics, songs and symphonies Your creations in sculpture, pottery and clay. Perhaps even greater, are your impressions you have left upon people you have known. Your friends, relatives, acquaintances. Hopefully you were well received and have left a good mark upon this world? True Love 1982 From the first time I laid eyes upon you I knew that I will fall in love with you And love you with all my heart and soul. But for love to weave it's wonderful magic You'll have to start feeling that self same desire. To be with that person and love them For what they are and what they will be Come what may --- For you love the beauty and character that lies within And you like to share the adventure That marriage and love has to offer To embrace in each others' passion and the pleasures and joys of two people being in love. I am a loner and have been lonely for oh, so long I rarely mix with people and stand off in a crowd. I know that my chances of winning your love and passion are indeed very small. But I live and dream of the day When I shall sparkle and shine in your life and be greeted with loving arms. Perhaps that day will never come and that I am living a dreamer's dream, but until then I shall send you All the love and caring that friendship between friends can offer. I love you {written 1982?} "My life is cold and cold lacking in the warmth of intimate friendship. I long to meet someone - some girl who can match my vibrations and ride my crests and troughs. For surely they come as the wave of human life continues. Perhaps it could happen between us that magic of embraces. I do not know - but I care enough to know that our friendship will continue no matter what happens in our respective lives. Because our hopes and wishes remain the same To live a life of love and friendship. Truth and Religion early April 1996 To search for truth is a noble cause requiring great courage and perseverance. Are you prepared for what you will find? Can you comprehend the truth And see the fact from the fiction? Many people believe they have found truth but are many times removed from it. Locked into a fantasy world they believe is real. What is real? What is imagined? Can you see the truth before your very eyes? The path to truth can be a lonely one few stay on a path that truth resides. Can you reject much of what you have been taught? See the wheat from the chaff? That which is hidden from the light. Power corrupts absolutely applies to power everywhere. Religions and churches are not excluded. They can be twisted and perverted beyond the foundation stones on where they stand. The further down in time they come the more risk there is, of distortion and misintrepretation of the message. Can we be so sure of the purity of thought? Some religions have notoriety in their history in which wars and battles have been fought. Not only on the physical realm but in their spiritual development as well. Can you be so very sure you are receiving the original thought that started the religion so long ago. This is not to say that each religion or sect shall not perform a religious purpose or do not do good deeds in this world. They can perform a spiritual role and help the needy and sick. There is no such thing as death the human soul lives on. We live life after life and judge ourselves. There are angels, gods and almighty beings. We are all children of god No matter what race, colour or religion. They are but clothes that dress the human soul. Everyone receives the same benefits of an after life. Those who have sinned - are forgiven. Evil is that which has been led down the wrong path. The truth is out there In this world amongst the lies, amidst the tall tales. Truth is made fun of - in this day and age Some people use humour as a smoke screen not seeing the truth through the laughter. To search for truth is a noble cause I wish you well on this noble quest. Maybe we'll meet sometime on the many paths and destinations that truth takes. The truth lifes before you Why do you see it not? Beliefs and Religion late April 1996 A supreme god does not need the shallowness of believers and followers. Is not vain for man's petty envies. A supreme god does not work alone in this universe. The light of truth clears the deceptions before one's life. See things as they are not in the darkness of one's ignorance. There is much of man's religious philosophy upon which greed for power is grafted onto religion and doctrine. No matter what religion you choose the inherent power struggle is a part of it. The purity of original religious thought is sullied by the ages and the hands it has passed through. The message is twisted and distorted and little of the purity remains. I do not wish to attack religion and god with hammer and stake bleeding red the message raw. Beware of truth and what did follow The interpretation - was it clear? The early founders of the church left their marks upon the scriptures. Can we be so sure of their purity and morality? Untitled 8.50 am Thursday 23 August 1996 Express yourself? Some can do so brilliantly others cannot Who will speak for them these ill - forgotten people? Not those in high places in positions of power and responsibility. They know not the feelings inside people of everyday life who struggle through life not meeting their desired ends simple that they may be. Nor can they conceive of the hurdles they face the blindness of those who judge them and sadness of those who misunderstand. To comprehend the lonesome embers of a cooling flame never brilliantly lit who's to blame? They have the potential to burst into one's characteristic fire but no one will supply the oxygen nor the fuel they require to burn. Critics may say 'Do it yourself' but alas - we live not in an isolated world we depend on others all our lives though we like independence of our own. You cannot measure everyone by the same ruler expecting people to stand or fall by your rule Many fall by the wayside desiring not. Those who don't understand cannot. Until they put down their spectacles they wear of 'my standards and ideals'. This poem can describe the losers in life those whose flame have yet to burn or have been doused too early. A spark shining that never caught fire or those in later life yet to light their fire. Or is it just a poem describing this society's untouchables the long term unemployed? Your understanding of humanity upon this planet earth will one day dawn upon you in future. Waiting... Thursday 21 March 1996 Muse are you there? Waiting at my beck and call to answer my needs for sweet inspiration to flow through my mind and warm my heart. Feed me some knowledge of this universe of which I am a small part. Send me the wisdom of the ages from the wisest sages. I acknowledge I am not the writer merely the channel by which the knowledge passes. I seek not fame, fortune or success but true knowledge and truth. I am not a medium or automatic writer nor a new messiah. I can only write about fields or interests I know about. I cannot penetrate the true unknown for I have no spiritual guide to light my way. My light only lights a little way inside past the door of the eternal. Can you comprehend the truth if told to you. This world is full of fallacies and fallible people. Interpretation is the key which can unlock many secrets and many doors. Can you open your mind to the potential in store. Can you comprehend it all This universe, this incarnation, this you. Where do the emotions go? Late November 1995 We can experience a whole range of emotions moving around an inner maze within our mind taking us from happy times to sad times in a flash. Some of us, understand our emotions well but lack the opportunities to express them to whom we like, when we like. We are held back by bounds of courtesy. Others freely express their emotions but lack control over them so that life is one wild ride often uncontrolled and too too fast. Our emotions can be our fortune or our misery do we have any control over them? It depends on your strength of mind and healthy attitudes towards others. Respect yourself and respect others and you will go far, being accepted by many with following this law of humanity. Life is interacting with others that is the purpose here, for life on earth Do not forget this. If you seek isolation and separation. You are on the wrong planet. People are here to be sociable and to mix with others. If you require privacy then you can politely refuse to be involved with anyone else. Explain to them how you feel talk with them a while. People can understand each other here give them time to accept your feelings and your views. Strange people are accepted here and it's alright to be you. The most important thing you can spend is time, with someone. Give them a piece of your mind, show them your way of thinking, your method, your ways. Talking is often a good way of finding out about yourself. How you react to others and how they react to you. Not everyone has grasped the knack of talking, of communicating so do not think someone rude if they cannot express what they'd like to say it can be very very difficult to express one's emotions how you feel at this time. Emotions can be difficult to describe and difficult to understand. We are one complex being. Wonder? 21 February 1996 The potential of the human soul can be a wonder to behold. What wonders there exist in each of us. Whether we meet a fraction of what we are capable are up to ourselves alone. Laziness may cast our feet in stone Weariness sew the cobwebs in our mind Doubt cloud our clear vision ahead Frustration blind our eagerness deep within Loneliness blur our talents to rest. Life is so fascinating a study of life on planet earth. It is and always shall be a trying time for many of us. So fragile in our pleasures so lost in doubt. So doubtful of any talent we have. It can be so confusing to find the real you in this physical universe of body and mind. Body and mind can be shaped by independent means as well as singular disciplines. Know this well --- a gem of information to be taped to your head. The mind can be sharpened the body moulded agilely the spirit flowered in a caring environment for you to get ready to take on - what this universe has to offer. Do not sit on your laurels taking the lazy path with your mind and body or else you will age fast. Your body will creak and your mind falter with such irregular use of your natural talents. The message contained here is what I have been saying for a long time now. The message is nothing new I have been repeating it over and over like some prayer or rosary. Frames of reference are all we have. Our ideas, our beliefs are all inside our head. The information may not be all that accurate but it's all we have to keep us happy. Safe in the knowledge We are who we want to be. Inside each of us are pieces of soul Parts that do not change As we move from one universe to another. It is the real us. Trying to live out our lives in peace and harmony. The disbelievers believe only in a physical universe they can see and touch. They find it hard to believe in a greater universe in which we are a small part. You! Saturday 24 February 1996 Extremes to touch Human emotions know no real end They are with us always We cannot banish them from our life nor control them with ease They surface of their own accord to highlight what we need. We can live shallow unfulfilled lives but the soul within us cries out that we have yet to climb our mountains of hopes and desires to conquer the demons inside us. Have you explored your talents well? To climb the pinnacle of accomplishment not of fame, fortuen and success but the higher achievements of good effort, work and labours done. Have you produced the art you will be known for? The poetry and verses that will transcend time? Explored the thoughts and ideas that are clearly you? If not --- then you have a life ahead of you with many promising things yet to come. You have yet to do the work that needs to be done. Knowing You Knowing Me late... 1995 The male mind does not seek to outwit the female mind in some game of cat and mouse. The male psyche may seek to understand the female psyche to know the creature within. Human emotions are attached to no particular gender. A man or woman can experience life's whole range of highs to lows from white to black and all colours inbetween. Do not believe in stereotypical images for they do not identically map onto real lives. You do not truly know a person until you have lived with them. And so like icebergs in the cold artic seas when we look at people we only see the tip - and not the rest below. Lost? 1995 To fall short on one's potential is a sad tale of woe. Is it mere idleness stopping me reaching from afar? Or are my qualities short on talent? To win fame and recognition Originality Friday July 26 1996 7.30pm A work of art Original, copied or traced has equal value. You should acknowledge your source. If original by design is what everything is measured by and all else falls then this world will collapse. The transfer of ideas is done in all art forms. Sometimes it's unconsciously copied or purposely faked other times praised by imitation. Children do it all the time learning by copying learning by repetition so that they can get better and better to brush up their skills. Some of us are lazy saying we lack the proper skills and are too lazy to learn we are short on time and take short cuts for one purpose or another. We acknowledge we are not great artists and are humble of any ability we may have? We're on this course for one purpose or another to help find our goal in life Whatever that may be? My Opinion for what it's worth Friday July 26 1996 2.30pm Picasso was an artist who chose not to draw and fooled everyone with his art and views. He's laughing at his grave side at having conned the world artists and followers alike. Having silenced the critics and sold his artwork for prices high but after his death the prices rose higher Why is Pablo not laughing so much now? Modern art is all very good for creative expression giving anyone a chance to become an artist - no training needed but you cannot compare someone who can paint to someone who cannot. They are worlds apart - it is all too obvious someone who dabs on paint in blotches and someone who can caress a brushstroke. Art speaks for itself you do not need an interpreter the canvas is the medium by which the painter speaks And so with modern art If you don't like it - that's OK. Maybe the artist felt the same way? because they didn't keep it and sold it - happy to give it away. You cannot put a value on art it creates an illusion that someone's art is worth more than another's in terms of dollar value. Appreciation is the value in art or the message it conveys. You either love the beauty art creates or take the message home. Just like in music one person's art is another's rubbish And that is OK. Just do not force your views upon another. Your views are yours and their views are theirs Maybe you will agree - maybe you will not. The cop-out in Art has been the claim that photography came at last. No need to be realistic we'll leave that for the camera and journey onward to another direction to that concept called Art. Talent comes to us in varying degrees. Some have the eye of an artist and co-ordination to match able to supply talent at will. Others are less fortunate they may have both but in varying skill and produce works of art one day and rubbish the next. Is it cheating? to draw a straight line with a ruler or copy from photographs using scaling or grid techniques or trace using tracing paper or a light desk or using an opaque or slide projector? Many technology aids exist to help the less talented artist fulfill the dream and fantasy to produce good artwork. The aids can be used to get the main lines right and in proportion to build on the rest. Some noted artists have used these aids to produce their work Examples being Alphonse Mucha and Boris Vallejo. It is possible to produce art that is a blend of art and photography. Both being used to produce the final product. Art is judged by what you see how does the work affect you? Art by nature sees the outside world the physical - the material If you wish to delve inside use another medium - like music or poetry. Freedom of expression is important in our lives. It defines who we are and how we feel inside. Truth and honesty are the guiding lights. We may fool others but we cannot fool ourself. To do so is to live a false life Being not who we are to live a lie. Just like politicians do they have a soul and conscience as a guide? Art and Design Sunday 28 July 1996 Art by design is an illusion to represent what you see To capture an image down on paper using whatever technique you require or admire. To hold fast an image of the outside world whether of a person or building your soul is the guiding light by which your hand draws. You are the camera the paper - your print or film Your eyes the lens by which you see. The Art of design is altogether different. You seek to create an object to serve a purpose. Whether a building, car or whatever the design may be functional or aesthetic or both - to fulfill it's role. We can look towards nature or ignore it for our inspiration. In the end we ask : 'Does the design fulfill it's role that for which it is intended' to house people, to go fast or whatever and whether - it was designed to last? Art is ... 8.50 am Friday Aug 9th 1996 Truth is the light Truth is by which we live Those who do not follow their inner light walk in darkness all their life Seeking what is missing That magic something which is life. Art is truth and in the light of time Shall see artists rise and fall according to popularity and quality. Some are recognised long after their time forefathers ahead of their age. Others are praised too early only to fall from grace. The public cannot be fooled they know what they hate and like they will listen and learn but cannot change their preferences by heart or design. The critics should be chastised for their erroraneous views praising works of art that clearly are not. Anyone can see what a monkey can do who cannot produce Shakespeare on a typewriter given infinite time Nor can produce paintings of great merit So why do we put up with modern art? Crap is that what is. Freedom of expression is good for the soul Shining your inner light. We have to unleash the powers within us that which is our life. Whether others will agree your works of art are Does not really matter Your own opinion is what counts but to make money for bread and home is another course entirely. Your aim is to produce work that sells that satisfies critics and public alike. Commercialism of art is for dollar signs to rear it's ugly head to achieve fame and success the misguided goals of life. Perhaps William Morris is right? What counts is the quality of artistic expression done with conviction the morale fibre of loving what you do and enjoying the fun of doing it. My Love... Wednesday 12 June 1996 Trust in me as I trust in you. All it takes is a little magic for our dreams to come true. Two people in love can fulfill their fantasies. The pleasures of loving someone close and dear. Will see our dreams come true? A simple little fantasy will come alive if you believe in the little things that may come true. This world can be cold and dreary in this age of reason and doubt. Why then, is it that little bit warmer from writing to you. I cannot explain why you affect me so. I'd like to think - deep down our souls are alike and can converse on so many topics of passion and interest. That something inside us knows we are special? I dream dreams and trip the light fantasy but no doubt you'll plant my feet firmly on the ground with your insight and gossip. I am all ears to your pearls of wisdom and lessons learnt from life's hard knocks and trials by error. Mine are like that too. Sadness and disappointments can seek to render our souls numb. Hungry to rejoice in the company of someone to share the warmest tears of human passion. That have seen trials and little of life's rewards. What is there, in this life worth striving for worth dying for worth travelling for worth the effort - come what may. What? Love? Origins 8.50 am Friday 23 August 1996 It is polite to acknowledge the source from whence inspiration springs to acknowledge the creator the god in all of us present in our lives. We are all interconnected whether we believe it or not by the humanity of man and some something more tenuous like the spirit alive in all of us. Many cannot see the world around us using only their intellect to see. Their brain blinds them for not do their soul see. The brain and the body are connected And so too the soul and mind to the brain. Many understanding the later but not the former. Boxes within boxes like a chinese box one leading to another which ones can you see? Many live in the one box called the brain using intellect only to live and die by. Some acknowledge the mind somehow housed inside the brain And a few feel their soul arousing in them the passions of life which they must follow. The source of inspiration from which creativity springs may not be inside us but outside in the greater world connected to the greater part of us the overself the god who watches over us seeing how we progress in our lives. At the end of one's life we soar to heights uncovered no longer are we bound by this earth and are only held by our beliefs. And like birth, there is always someone there to care and help us understand to help us see what our life was like on earth. And join others in like company. Shakers September 1996 The Shakin' Quakers became the Shakers - United Believers in Christ's 2nd Appearing shaking during religious estacy Ann Lee set them apart persecuted in Manchester, England she led them home to a new land New York State, USA. Flourishing there, growing to 6000 strong. Ahead of their time masters of design Perfect function Perfect simplicity A love of work they would not shirk to work towards perfection. Their designs are much to be admired lasting forever if looked after Never abused but used. They should be credited for their work in function and design ahead of all others in design philosophy. Leading the way in the 1820s. It is a gift to be simple a gift to be free a gift to be in like company. They believed in work rotation equality for the sexes and celibacy. And so the downward spiral began colonies abandoned reducing their numbers to almost nothing fulfilling their prophecy for this millenium. Why am I me? Thurs-Fri Sept 12-13 1996 I refuse to lower my standards in understanding and comprehension I must follow the curosity of my life through knowledge doors to the many paths and journeys onward with my life. If I make new friends I'll whisper in their ear I'll help you anyway I can for you to find yourself and revel in the spirituality of you. I refuse to follow the thundering sheep like leemings running over a cliff to lose sight of their lives below. I listen to the thoughts running inside my head and not those of society's expectations for the world is corrupt as the rats run in their race for vanity and property power and greed. Churches and religions are not immune absolute power corrupts absolutely. I refuse to join a religion who promises to save the converted and proclaims hell for the rest of us. We all survive death saints and sinners alike whether you believe it or not. And so it is with many things in life make of it what you will. We can only blame ourselves if we don't live up to the potential of me. These words are not for my lips alone others may share in the quest for truth. As they follow their inner light we'll all meet at our destination Knowing full well we have tried to become the all of me. Can you understand the words written here the underlying meanings the hints that are clear these are not intellectualisations we leave all that far behind. We delve in the potential of the mind to comprehend it all our life on this earth What it all means to each of us And the golden message is : Be happy - be you. Express your self is a meaning no so clear but can be understood if you believe in heart and soul and the manifold treasures of man. Riches not of physical wealth but that of spiritual values and concerns. Go to the deepest parts of you in which the real you dwells. We encounter this shadow of us throughout our lives when given direction by some mysterious turns to stay on course for our life's goals. Not understood at first but gradually becoming clear the real riches of this world can be had of life's rewards. Real friends you can count on Real gifts of talent to explore Realistic goals we can achieve are not fantasies of thin air. Express yourself is very true but what if your thoughts go against that of others? Will you be labelled a heretic A genius without talent A great underachiever A prophet without a goal Who will listen to your words? Who? And comprehend what is in all of us A soul.