Edgar Cayce's Story of 'The Origin and Destiny of Man' SBN 85435 311 9 Lytle W. Robinson The Edgar Cayce Foundation 1972 An interesting extract ... The Pyramid Builders (Ancient Egypt) p74 ... What had been the achievements of the Priest in the Nubian land during his nine years' stay? When Ra-Ta entered the land, the Nubian natives were a warlike and savage people. In nine short years peace and properity had been established; private homes had become the custom, and great advancements had been made in the knowledge of astronomy and astrology. Through studies made in deeply excavated caves, Ra-Ta had arrived at calculations which established what is known as longitude and latitude. He gained an understanding of the law which holds the heavenly bodies in place in the solar system, and the influence the sun exercises upon life; the effect of the moon upon the tides and the reason underlying the planting of seeds at certain phases of the moon. He came to believe that there is no time or space - that all force is One Force, and that man is the representative of the Higher Consciousness on the earth planet. Those who shared the Priest's banishment also advanced in spiritual growth. Many worked through various channels of contact with those in Egypt who had access to the King and the Councillors, to arrange for the Priest's return. Hept-Supht, the Atlantean, had returned to Egypt after three years, and successfully maintained a neutrality which was of great assistance, for he was respected and revered by all and made many efforts to effect a reconciliation. Thus at the conclusion of the Oelom rebellion, arrangements were made for the return of the Priest to Egypt. Those close to him in the Nubian land had been fearful that he would break under the strain which his activities had placed upon him at his advanced age. For Ra-Ta was now close to 100 years of age. The announcement of the High Priest's recall brought rejoincing throughout Egypt. After an arduous journey from Abyssinia, the day came when the priest and his followers entered the royal city - a city lined with multitudes of cheering citizens in the broad highways, where colourful and fragrant flowers, bright green rushes and feathery grasses were strewn. Ra-Ta was both humbled and inspired that the faith in him had been so magnanimous. The caravan from Abyssinia was made up of camels and other domesticated beasts, but also of vehicles constructed like chariots and propelled by the gases the Atlanteans had known so well how to control. In one of these vehicles sent by his Atlantean followers now in Egypt, Ra-Ta rode with Isris, his companion. Other members of the Priest's family and those closely associated in the temple service rode in the remaining vehicles. In all, 167 souls returned to Egypt with Ra-Ta. From that time forward, Ra-Ta was known simply as Ra. Isris was made Queen in her own right, and her name was changed to Isis. She became influential in working for the rights of women and in acting as an adviser to them, raising them in the social order. Years later she came to be worshipped as a goddess. After many days of celebrating their return, Ra and the King met with other officials of the government and planned the amendment of certain laws and reorganization of the temple practices. The Temple of Sacrifice and the Temple Beautiful were cleansed of corruption and consecrated again to the worship of the One God. Segregation of family units into homes became firmly established, and the holiness of motherhood recognized. The revised law permitted a man to have more than one companion; however such companions were chosen by the individuals and not by the government as before. When insurrection disappeared, forts were quickly replaced by peaceful towns and villages, and a period of social and spiritual rebuilding was under way. With the establishment of a strong, centralized government in Luz, nationalism grew, and here began the first nation-spirit of a people. The King was once again in complete control of the political; the High Priest supreme in religious matters. Aarat, the native adopted member of the royal family, who had previously been such a power with which to contend, was now subordinate to the King's will and his influences with the people reduced. An opportunity was thereby afforded others with ability for leadership to rise to positions of prominence and responsibility, and new ideas were admitted into the country's activities. By this time, word had spread abroad concerning the wonders taking place in the new Egyptian civilization. Learned men from countries previously visited by the Priest now came to see and learn about the material and spiritual accomplishments. Emissaries were exchanged with the various lands of the world - those countries later known as China, Mongolia, India, Norway, Peru. This brought about an exchange of understanding and a correlation of civil and spiritual laws with other lands. In many directions, Egypt rose and took her place as a leader among nations, some of which were now declining. A growing feeling existed among those in authority that the wisdom of this greatest of Egyptian cultures should be preserved in a safe place for the benefit of a new age yet to come. It became clear to Ra that it was his duty - and part of his purpose - to perserve the great truths that he had learned at such sacrifice to so many. Furthermore, the records Hept-Supht had brought with him from Atlantis, together with the profound spiritual truths discovered by Raai, were considered invaluable. All leaders agreed that this body of records should be safely preserved somewhere against profanation by coming generations; until such time as man could again comprehend their significance. This would happen when the earth again changed its position on its axis, as it did in the Atlantean period, and pass through another inundation. According to the prophecy, this land change was sure to come. The site finally selected for the safe-keeping of the records and for the great symbol of the esoteric content of the law, was the fertile plains of Gizeh, which stood firm during the flood that had swept over much of the land thousands of years earlier. This site was situated even higher than a Temple of Isis which had endured during that deluge. Also the area was conceived as being nearly the mathematical centre of the land of the earth, where there might be the least disturbance by future earthquakes or floods. Here the record vaults were to be hidden, in a small pyramid between the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid, and connected to both. Here, too, other large pyramids were to be erected. The Sphinx had already been started; then work was discontinued; then restored and added to, after the return of the Priest. Originally it was intended to be a memorial to Araaraat, but after the recall of Ra the meaning was changed to symbolize the relation of man and the animal, or carnal world, to those changes which must come in his spiritual evolution - changes which were already coming about in the fading or falling away of imperfections of man's bodily pattern. The base of the Sphinx had been laid out in channels, and in the corner facing the Great Pyramid the story was inscribed as to how all these were begun and built, giving the history of the first invading ruler and the ascension of Araaraat. From the right forepaw a passage was made to lead to the entrance of the Record Chamber, or Pyramid of Records. This was to remain undiscovered until man overcame his ego and reached true spiritual understanding, at the beginning of the fifth root race. The Hall of Records was enclosed in a pyramid of its own, to stay hidden for many thousands of years. It is located between the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid. Hidden in the north-east corner were thirty-two tablets, buried with the remains of King Araaraat. This was the first of the pyramids to be constructed, and it will one day be uncovered from the shifting sands. The Great Pyramid of Gizeh was one hundred years in the building; from 10,490 to 10,390 B.C. Ra himself made extensive studies of the terrain, and great care was taken in figuring the geometric location in relation to the Sphinx and the four points of the compass. Although it was planned by Ra, the actual construction and engineering were worked out by Hermes, a descendent of Hermes Trismegistus, who had returned with the Priest from the Nubian land of exile. The Great Pyramid was built as a hall of initiation, the "House Initiate" for those dedicating themselves to special services in the secrets of the mystery religion of Egypt. Here the masters performed their vows, consecrating themselves to holy service. Its purpose, therefore, was far greater than that of a burial place. It was erected by the application of those universal laws and forces of nature which cause iron to float. By the same laws, gravity may be overcome or neutralized, and stone made to float in air. The Pyramid was thus built by levitation, abetted by song and chanting, much in the same manner in which the Druids of England set up their huge stones at a later period. Material for erection of the Pyramid was brought from as far away as Nubia; many different kinds of stone being used. Highly polished, white limestone was placed on the four sides, in slabs whose joints were cemented together almost imperceptibly. This casing stone was later stripped off and pieces may still be found in buildings in Cairo. Portions lie buried below the sand. A few remain in place at the foundation line on the north side. The Pyramid's capstone was composed of an alloy of copper, brass and gold, pounded into a covering for the top of the Pyramid. This also was desecrated, by the sons of Heth, on orders of the Pharoah under whom the children of Israel suffered in bondage. In certain seasons a cosmic fire was lighted on top of the Pyramid, for symbolic purposes, by a method known only to the Atlanteans. A long and elaborate ceremony marked the dedication of the Pyramid after the capstone was put in place. The event was announced to the people by a loud clanging of metal. From this ringing-out has arisen the call to prayer, thanksgiving and worship, as symbolized in the church bell. It is also the origin of the trumpet call to arms, and the ringing-in of the New Year. The Great Pyramid is a record in stone of the history and development of man from the time of Araaraat and Ra to the end of the present earth cycle, in 1998. Its records are written in the language of mathematics, geometry and astronomy, as well as in the kinds of stone used, with their symbology. After the end of the cycle, there is to be another change in the earth's position, with the return of the Great Initiate for the culumination of the prophecies. All changes that have come and are to come are shown there in the passages from the base to the top. Changes are signified by the layer of stone, the colour of it, and the direction in which the turns are made. There are no undiscovered rooms, as such, in the Great Pyramid. In the smaller Pyramid of Records, yet to be uncovered, there is a vault sealed with heavy metal, containing the prophecy for the period 1958 to 1998. Here were secreted the records of the people of the One God from the beginning of man's entrance into the earth. The occasion of this sealing was attended by Araaraat, Ra and the priests and priestesses of the temples. In the Great Pyramid current history is symbolized by the low ceiling at the entrance of the passage leading to the King's Chamber. This low passage or depression shows a downward tendency, as indicated by the variations in the kind of stone used. The present period, therefore, may be termed the Crucitarian Age, or the age in which preparations are made for the beginning of the new sub-race. Astronomical and numerical factors indicate this date began in the Autumn of 1932. When the gradual change taking place in the position of the North Star, Polaris, becomes noticeable as calculated from the entrance of the Pyramid, there will be clear evidence of the incoming of the new race, with a greater influx of souls from the Atlantean, Lemurian, La, Ur or Da civilization. These conditions are indicated by the turns in the passage through the Pyramid. The empty sarcophagus in the King's Chamber is itself a symbol of the enlightenment of man as to the meaning of death - as a transition from one plane of existence to another. The length, breath, height and various directions of the many layers of stone in the passages and chambers of the Pyramid depict accurately the events of significance in the spiritual evolution of man in the earth plane. The birth and death of Jesus of Nazareth are indicated to the year, day and hour, at the turn of the passageway leading to the Queen's Chamber. At one point in the low passage, 1936 is prophesied as a year of disturbances and turmoils, including wars, storms and land upheavals, with a resulting unrest among groups and masses. After 1956 a time of adjustment follows, and then the world enters a new period as shown in the King's Chamber - some time between 1938 and 1958. This era is the beginning of developments of an unusual nature in many ways, terminating in the year 1998. It will be a time of preparation for the coming Master of the world - not necessarily His actual coming, the time of which no man knows. It will be a period of great spiritual reawakening and enlightenment; of new understanding, new life and new faith. There will be marked advancements in the field of science and new knowledge concerning the balancing of the forces of gravity by which the Pyramid itself was built. The present age of mankind is rapidly approaching a peak in its development. At the crest of the wave there will be a breaking, a clash between the material-minded and the spiritual-minded. Many will fall away, but those who stand firm will be guided in finding the records and interpreting them for the benefit of men everywhere. The important thing is not just their discovery but their correct interpretation. The Great Pyramid of Gizeh stands as an historical monument to the present root race. It records the story of man's struggle for spiritual wisdom, and for many ages it was used as a temple of initiation for the world's great teachers and leaders. It was here that the Great Initiate, Jesus who became the Christ took the final Initiate degrees, along with John the Baptist, His forerunner. At the age of 104, King Araaraat passed away and was buried in the north-east corner of the first pyramid built during his reign of eighty-eight years. The High Priest Ra lived to be several hundred years old according to the method of computing age. It had been a remarkable rule in many ways; one of turmoil and peace and progress, of social and spiritual enlightenment. Together Araaraat and Ra had brought the country into closer understanding with the other nations of the world. Together they had raised the standards of their own people to a new high, materially and spiritually. They had fostered a civilization that was to be the greatest expression of Egyptian culture for a long time to come. But most important, they had inspired man's first real search for God among a heathen people. Today man stands again at the threshold of a new era - the Aquarian Age of mass consciousness or awareness, a new world unity. Extracts from the Cayce Readings "As the monument called the Pyramid of Gizeh was being built in the plains, this entity superintended building or laying the foundations. He figured out the geometrical position of the Pyramid with relation to the buildings which were put up or connected with the Sphinx. "The Sphinx was built in this manner: Excavations were made for it in the plains above where the Temple of Isis had stood during the deluge which had occurred some centuries before... "The base of the Sphinx was laid out in channels; and in the corner facing the Pyramid of Gizeh may be found the wording of how this was founded, giving the history of the first invading ruler and the ascension of Araaraat to that position." (Case # 195-L-2) "The sojourn of Araaraat in Egypt was 11,016 years before the Prince of Peace came into this land. We find that this was one of the highest civilizations of Egypt since it has been in its present position. For it had been submerged for nearly a quarter of a million years since civilization had been in that portiion of the earth.... "Araaraat drew the people together and developed their abilities so that they could be used for the benefit of the masses, rather than classes.... Many titles were given to him in the various dialects of the people. But Araaraat is the one that will be found recorded, with those of the other rulers." (Case #254-39) "As respecting the pyramids and their purpose in the experience of the peoples, in the period of rebuilding by the Priest during his return to the land - some 10,500 years before the coming of the Christ into that land, there was first the attempt to restore and add to what already been begun on what is called the Sphinx, and the storehouse facing same, between this and the Nile, in which records were kept by Arart and Araaraat in that period. "Then with Hermes and Ra... there began the building of that now called Gizeh... that was to be the Hall of the Initiates of that sometimes referred to as the White Brotherhood.... "In this same Pyramid did the Great Initiate, the Master, take those last of the Brotherhood degrees with John, the forerunner of Him, at that place... as is shown in that portion when there is the turning back from raising up of Xerxes, as the deliverer from an unknown tongue or land; and again is there seen that this occurs in the entrance of the Messiah in this period - 1998...." (Case #5748-5) "This, then (the Pyramid) holds all the records from the beginnings of that given by the Priest, Arart, Araaraat and Ra, to that period when there is to be the change in the earth's position, and the return of the Great Initiate to that and other lands, for the fulfillment of those prophecies depicted there. "All changes that occurred in the religious thought in the world are shown there, in the variations in which the passage through same is reached, from the base to the top - or to the open tomb and the top. These (changes) are signified both by the layer and the colour and the direction of the turn." (Case # 5748-5) "In those conditions that are signified by the way through the Pyramid - as of periods through which the world has passed and is passing, in relation to religious or spiritual experiences of man - the period of the present is represented by the low passage or depression showing a downward tendency, as indicated by variations in the kind of stone used. "This might be termed in the present as the Crucitarian age, or the age in which preparations are being made for the beginning of a new sub-race, or a change which - as indicated from astonomical or numerical conditions - dates from the latter or middle portion of the present fall (1932). "The Dipper is gradually changing, and when this change becomes noticeable, as might be calculated from the Pyramid, there will be the beginning of the change in the races. There will come a greater influx of souls from the Atlantean, Lemurian, La, Ur or Da civilizations. These conditions are indicated in this turn in the passage through the Pyramid.... "Q-8. What is the significance of the empty Sarcophagus? "A-8. That there will be no more death. Don't misunderstand or misintrepret! The interpretation of death will be made plain." (Case # 5748-6) Contents Part 1. Strangers in the Earth 1. Was there an Atlantis? 2. Creation 3. The Rise and Fall of Atlantis 4. The Pyramid Builders Part 2. The Lost Peoples of America 5. Enigma of the Incas 6. The Amazing Mayas 7. The First North Americans 8. Who were the Mound Builders? 9. Norsemen in New England Part 3. 1998 and Beyond 10 Crisis in Modern America 11 The Coming New Order 12 Reincarnation: The Continuity of Life 13 The Human Destiny